The Lower Maitland Stewardship Group began in 1998 with informal meetings between interested community members to discuss issues and concerns relating to the Maitland Valley and surrounding area. It has evolved into an informal community-based organization with diverse representation.
Initial meetings were held to find out if there was interest in this project within the community, as well as to explore the possibility of cooperation. A technical “resource group” was also formed consisting of: the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA), Ministry of Natural Resources, Huron Stewardship Council, University of Guelph, Nature Conservancy of Canada and the Huron County Planning and Development Department. During 1999 the resource group led several studies in the valley. These centred on the water resources and fish of the Maitland River, the Maitland Valley and adjacent natural areas and the users of the area.
In December 1999, a public meeting was held at the Huron County Museum in Goderich to inform landowners what had been done to date, discuss common interests and concerns and talk about future actions and directions for managing the river. Following this, a subsequent public meeting was held to provide community members the opportunity to develop a strategy to undertake the future actions.
As a result of these public meetings and numerous discussions among interested groups, a core of individuals representing landowners, stakeholders, government agencies and non-government organizations has progressed into a group which actively promotes the maintenance and enhancement of the natural ecosystem features of the Lower Maitland River Valley.
To view our Mission, Values and Goals click on the “Mission” link on the side bar to the left.
The Lower Maitland Stewardship Group worked with the Huron County Planning and Development Department to develop a Strategic Watershed-based Plan for the Lower Maitland River. To view background information about this process and review the plan, click on the “Watershed Plan” link on the side bar to the left.
LMSG Newsletter
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